Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I have had a great time over the past couple months learning my way around a camera. I have done a few photo shoots for friends and absolutely love it. Now I am taking a business class at the local college, though am realizing it was the wrong class. I am also taking my very first photo class. So far not very impressed. I already know what he has taught so far and he has cancelled one out of 4 classes (to be rescheduled sometime maybe). 2 more classes to go. Lets see if I get my money's worth or just stick with books and tutorials. Here are some of my recent shoots above.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I had a fantastic day yesterday. It was my first oficial photo shoot in 92degree weather with 110% humidity and a 1 mile trail hike. But I got some great shots and was able to catch up with an old friend. Here are some of my favorite shots........

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Here are a couple of my favorites. We finally put out the slip-n-slide and within 5 minutes it ripped. So Matt had the brilliant idea of attaching it to our huge tarp. He then proceeded to pour dish soap all over making the kids zoom down the hill!

Morning Blooms sneak peak

In My Garden...

Just some of the flowers coming up in my garden. within the next month it should be in full bloom with gladiolas, lilies, and dahlias. Not to leave out the roses! The white flower is a dahlia. We thought they were weeds at first, but I decided to give them a chance to see what they turned out to be. Boy am I glad I did.